sábado, 22 de agosto de 2015

Example - Creating a simple CER Rules

This is an overview, as you can create a CER rules, it is not intended to replace the full 10 days of CER training that IBM offer.
Good, first, log in Cúram or Care Management as admin user after follow the next steps:
Step 1  Cúram Express Rule Sets
Go to Rules and Evidence.  Select "Cúram Express Rule Sets".
Create a new ruleset click "New" from the Page Actions Menu.  Give it a name and an optional category.  Click Save 
 Search your ruleset created and click "Continue Editing"

 Cúram show a new blank ruleset

 Step 2  Cúram a Class
Now click the "Technical View".  After add a class  (This is analogous to a Java class).

 After add age attribute with " Initialization" box is checked, after change the type to a number

 After add "gender" attribute the type String (also could be used condatables but now not)

 After create a “Result” attribute without class initialization check

After double click a “Result” attribute.  That contain the diagram for the attribute

 Step 3 Make the Flow Rule

On the right, there are the tools for works. The Idea is make the next condition: if is woman and age is between 27 and 50 years.

Set the tool palette to business default

After select "Choose" and drag and drop into the “Result” attribute on the diagram
  After select  the Result type (Boolean).

After Cúram Show, Click in save.


After drag and drop "And Group" and “Compare

  After drag and drop “Rule” and select the attribute “age

In the  tool you can select "Data Type" and drag and drop "number", for compare with the attribute age

In properties you can set a specific value for the compare

In the  tool you add, another "compare", "rule" for completed the rule compare


In the  tool you can add, another "compare", "rule" for completed the rule compare with the Gender, the same form.

 Save and validate.  Fix any errors.

Step 4 Publish the rule

Click in action publish, select check box and click on buttom publish.

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